
Meg Runs With Scissors

The Blog

The Best Way to Cover Gray Hair at Home

Due to recent salon closures customers have been looking for ways to keep their gray roots in check without visiting a salon. Of course I wouldn’t normally recommend this but desperate times call for desperate measures and sometimes those measures include a journey into the box color aisle at your local retailer. There are ways…

Get the Most from Your Sulfate Free Shampoo

Do you know how to shampoo your hair? I know that sounds silly – you have been doing it for years! But did someone actually teach you? It makes a huge difference in how your hair behaves and how long you can go between shampooing! Technique is even more important when you’re using a gentle…

Salon Industry Post Covid-19

My friends are going back to work today. It’s a strange feeling not returning with them, an anxious mix of grief and relief. I’m excited for them to be doing what they love but I’m not missing the conditions under which they return.  There are serious limits on the services they can provide – with…

Hello World

It’s about time I start a blog. A real one. I have many ideas: some of them written, some of them drafted, and none published. I love writing, journaling, and posting excessively long instagram captions. I bought a chromebook in February on a whim because if I had a “real keyboard” I would have no…

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